The craziest memories I have are of your birth. I always felt that you'd be born sooner than you were and by no means did we expect you to be two weeks late! I go into the hospital to be induced and 33 hours later, you still didn't want to come! What was that all about? I keep telling myself that it was me and not you. If it was you, I guess you were just too comfortable to leave. I know this world is a strange crazy place but your Daddy and I were so excited to meet you. If it was me, it was my body and no matter what the doctors did - my body was just not prepared to make the necessary changes to deliver you naturally.
Finally on the second day, I decided to go under the knife and deliver you by c-section. I don't recall you crying at birth but I remember like it was yesterday what the doctor said after weighing you. "He's 10lbs 4.5ozs." I was looking at your Daddy at that time - I immediately turned my head to the nurse and said "excuse me?!" I was never so thankful to learn how large you were and how confident I finally was with my decision to have a c-section. Maybe you were just TOO BIG to come out. In hindsight, I couldn't be more happier with how you were finally brought to be with us. The surgery was easy, the recovery was easier than expected. I think the hardest thing was the first few days. It's a complicated task trying to hold a baby, let alone breastfeed when your gut is mush and you're on pain killers! But we made it through those hard days and were fortunate enough to spend every waking moment (and sleeping one) together while I completed the rest of my recovery.
The doctors said I wasn't allowed to climb stairs and needed to stay at home taking it easy the first two weeks. It was just you and me baby! The next and sadly last week, we were luckily together again while Mommy was trying to figure out what in the world was wrong with your little belly. Mommy and Daddy even bought you new fancy bottles and formula hoping that it would make things easier on your sensitive digestive system. I'm just so incredibly thankful to have been home with you. That was some quality time and I loved getting to know you. I miss you baby boy!