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C. Borurguet My deepest condolence February 18, 2017
It is my wish to express my condolences  and convery a conforting thought based on the Scriptures.
       John 5:28 " Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out". 
  This passage speaks of open resurrection of our loved ones. It is God's plan to see us suffer an die, so invites us to "come near to God and He will draw near to you (James 4:8)
      Please go to the following link to obtain mor information rearding the Hope expressed in this passage.
mommy snow angel December 25, 2010
Snow Angel
charity & tim (austin & aaron) happy father's day June 20, 2010
Charity & Tim (Austin Shanks) angelversary February 18, 2010

Thinking of you Wesley on your angelversary
Charity & Tim (Austin Shanks) Happy Valentines day February 5, 2010
Grandma HAPPY 2nd Birthday! January 23, 2010
HAPPY 2nd Birthday!!!
We miss you everyday
Much more than words could ever say
We hope you have fun with your Angel Friends
And eat lots of cake too
Just know that today, everyday we are all thinking of you
HAPPY, HAPPY DAY! 1-23-2008
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Happy Birthday Wesley January 20, 2010



                     God Needed An Angel In Heaven


                                         When Jesus lived upon the earth
                                                 So many years ago,
                                       He called the children close to Him
                                             Because He loved them so.




                                         And with that tenderness of old,
                                           That same sweet, gentle way,
                                       He holds your little loved one close
                                                Within His arms today




                                           And you'll find comfort in your faith
                                                 That in His home above,
                                                 The God of little children
                                              Gives your little one His love.




                                                So think of your little darling
                                             Lighthearted and happy and free 
                                               Playing in God's promised land
                                                Where there is joy eternally.




                             Hugs & Kisses!!

mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Nitey Night January 17, 2010

                   BABY GOOD NIGHT 


I sent You a night star 2 brighten up your night... GOOD NIGHT!!!!!  Big Hugs! xoxoxoxoxoxxoxo

Charity & Tim (Austin Shanks) on my mind January 15, 2010
Charity & Tim (Austin Shanks) Happy New Year December 31, 2009
Charity & Tim (Austin Shanks) Merry Christmas December 24, 2009
Charity & Tim (Austin Shanks) Thinking of you December 4, 2009
Charity & Tim (Austin Shanks) Happy thanksgiving November 25, 2009
Charity & Tim (Austin Shanks) Happy Halloween October 30, 2009
Charity & Tim (Austin Shanks) pregnancy and infant loss day October 15, 2009
Charity & Tim (Austin Shanks) happy fall October 7, 2009
Charity & Tim (Austin Shanks) good night September 24, 2009
Charity & Tim (Austin Shanks) good night September 15, 2009
Charity & Tim (Austin Shanks) hugs & kisses September 8, 2009
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens xoxoxoxo September 5, 2009
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens thinkin of you September 3, 2009

Charity & Tim (Austin Shanks) happy wednesday September 2, 2009
Charity & Tim (Austin Shanks) cupcakes August 27, 2009
Charity & Tim (Austin Shanks) Hi August 25, 2009
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Nitey nite Wesley August 23, 2009
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens hugs August 22, 2009
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens you are an angel August 14, 2009
Charity & Tim (Austin Shanks) Thinking of you August 11, 2009
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens God Bless You August 5, 2009
Charity & Tim (Austin Shanks) party time July 30, 2009

here is your balloon and cupcake Wesley
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